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Pledging towards a Fund and Giving

Generous allows Givers to participate in Goals set up by the Church via Pledging towards a Goal and then Giving towards the promised Pledge.

A Pledge is actioned by the Giver by selecting the Make a Pledge from their individual Generous Giver Portal.  If a participating church has set up pledging for their church the giver will be able to select Make a Pledge. 

The next screen opens with two columns on the right we can see the  lists all of the available Goals to which the giver can set up a Pledge. On the Left we see all of the Pledges made already for all Generous Giving Churches  and via the 

+ Make Pledge button the giver set up a new Pledge via the available. 


A Giver can select the amount to Pledge 


The Giver can then proceed to give towards this fund and the amount of giving remaining towards the pledge  will be displayed after future giving towards this fund. 

In the above example the gift of $10 reduces the General Offering pledge from $100 to $90 remaining. 

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