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Recording an offline donation

You can add a donation on behalf of a donor, for example, when accepting the debit or credit card details over the phone or a walk-in congregant. 

How to donate on behalf of a donor if you need to process a payment: 

  1. Click People > Members > Offline Transaction.
  2. Select a transaction type, and a campus.
  3. From the Payment Method list, select Cash or Check.
  4. In the Amounts area, type in the gift amount (or distribute it if there are multiple funds).
  5.  Click Submit Transaction.

How to donate on behalf of a donor if you don't need to process a payment: 

  1. Click People > Members. 
  2. Select a member. 
  3. Click Offline Transaction.
  4. Select a transaction type and a campus.
  5. From the Payment Method list, select Direct Debit or Credit Card.
  6. Select a payment profile. 
  7. In the Amounts area, type in the gift amount (or distribute it if there are multiple funds).
  8.  Click Submit Transaction.
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