Sometimes users may come across an error. These errors may consist of small bugs or user blockages. They occur for a wide-range of reasons.
We sincerely appreciate your feedback when this occurs.
It's our hope to make the Generous customer experience a really positive one so thank you for helping us with your feedback.
Please email us any of the following,
- Device type, Apple, Android, PC, MAC?
- Browser or Phone App?
- Was it a new download of the Generous App from the playstore/app store?
- Was it the website app?
- Was it the "Our Community Church" demo website?
- What was the URL?
- What was the Page name?
- What Error Code was given?
- Can you replicate it?
- Can you provide us with a snap, Print Screen image, etc
- Can you cut and paste the error text
- Were you logged in or out?
- Public website? Admin Console? User Console?
- Has it stopped you from progressing?
- Other information?
Our Generous Customer Care Team appreciate you taking the time to provide this information. Please send your feedback to
Cam Butler