Possibly the best part of the Generous Giving Platform is its ability to give quickly and simply through Text to Give.
As a subscriber of the Generous Platform your church will be provided a dedicated mobile phone number (e.g. 0444 444 444) which members can use to direct their giving or payments using Text to Give.
In the example seen here (PPT image) your church will inform members and visitors in various ways of its CHURCH GIVING PHONE NUMBER. Seen here in a PowerPoint image up on the church screen.
In this PowerPoint church members and visitors are encouraged to send a SMS/TEXT message to 0444-444-444 with the following message. 'Africa' (not case sensitive) and the dollar amount to donate. Let's say for this example you want to give $50. You would TEXT > Africa 50 > SEND to 0444-444-444.
Assuming that you have already signed up and verified your phone this giving moment will take no longer than 30 seconds.
- to verify your phone please read this article
Occassionally in some outlying areas 3G/4G/5G phone networks can be less responsive. A delay in response may occur.
Text Formats
Donation & Payment Giving Syntax
[ fund keyword ] [space] [dollar amount (in whole numbers)]
keyword #
For example, MISSIONS 150
Text to Register - Event Registration Syntax
[ event keyword ]
For example, CONFERENCE
SEE ARTICLE: Registering for Events by Mobile SMS/TEXT Message
- Keywords are not case sensitive
- Check your spelling
- If the keyword is spelt incorrectly or does not exist you will receive a message from the Generous Text to Give system informing you so.
- Do not include cents. Whole dollar amounts only.
- Be careful not to reverse the order (eg, '150 Missions' this is incorrect)
How to get help from the Text to Give system
- To get help from the Text to Give system use the following SYSTEM WORDS
- 'KEYWORDS' - this will list all the active keywords
- 'REFUND' - this will provide a refund (within a set period of time, usually 30 minutes after the transaction has been approved by the user) or direct the user to contact their church administrator for assistance
- 'Y' - this is to approve an action
- 'N' - this is to stop an action
- 'STOP' - this will cancel certain actions
- 'HELP' - this will invite you to UNSUBSCRIBE from the Generous system by typing in 'STOP'
Cam Butler